B&T Tp9 N
Optic, Suppressor and Flashlight, magwell not included
can be purchased separately
B&T metal Telescoping Brace w Tailhook
Custom smith Angled vertical grip
1 30 round mag
B&T BWC Sig p320 Chassis Aimpoint Acro Included This is considered a part therefore can ship directly to you. Once P320 is put into chassis it becomes an SBR,...
B&T Tp9 pistol PackageTp9 w Telescoping Brace & TailhookB&T SuppressorEotech Exps3-01 magazineB&T Backpack You have the option to select the following variants: Full package (gun , suppressor, eotech)gun and eotechstandalone gun
B&T Apc9k Pro w Glock Lower Telescoping Brace and Tailhook1 - 33 round glock magazineFlip up sightsTri lugCleaning kitHard case****** Optic Not Included ******